Last Monday, after the longest dance recital in history on Sunday night (although I am told they are all this way) I headed out to Washington State for one of my last remaining graduate school classes at Gonzaga University (Go Zags!).
The flight out was pretty uneventful. The last leg- a flight from Salt Lake City to Spokane- was the most interesting. I ended up sitting next to a guy my age named Marshall. He was LDS (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints- also known as Mormon) and pulled out his Bible when he sat down. So we ended up talking almost all of the two hour flight about religion. He answered alot of questions I had about the LDS church. He had done a two year mission in Houston a few years before so he was able to answer my questions alot more coherently than other people had in the past. It was nice to have a conversation with no intent of changing any one's mind- we both were firm in our beliefs and just sharing about our faith.
Class was amazing. I met alot of really great people and ate alot of really good food. It was nice to finally meet some of my professors face to face. Even though getting my degree on line is absolutely pivotal for me to be able to finish school with my schedule I realized how much I have missed being in the classroom and seeing people face to face. The weather in Spokane was phenomenal, though it was sunny outside about 20 hours a day, which was really strange.
Somehow during the trip I managed to pull some muscles in the left side of my neck and all the way down to the end of my shoulder. I think it might have been the bed at the bed and breakfast I stayed at. So I have been keeping heat on it and trying to take it easy. Last night I went back to the gym and started working out again so it's a little aggravated today but nothing I can't work around.
The highlight of my trip, however, was my two hours in the Vegas Airport. I gambled $3 and left with $11.50. It was my first ever win at gambling!
Lowe’s: $2.50 Premium Mulch!
9 hours ago
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