Did you see that new credit card legislation passed? Alot of it is really great for people who are responsible with their cards and some for people who haven't yet gotten in trouble. For example, credit card companies will not longer be able to go on college campuses and hand out t-shirts in exchange for credit card applications in 2010.
The best explanation I have found is by J. Money at Budgets are Sexy, which is my fav financial blog. Check out the article: http://www.budgetsaresexy.com/2009/07/how-new-credit-card-legislation-affects.html. It's really easy to understand (I LOVE lists!).
I had my long run yesterday and I did horrible. I did all three miles but walked most of it. I just felt funny- couldn't figure out why. Then, while on stage last night, I felt myself starting to get a fever. By the time Ira's sermon was almost over I felt awful. I went home to my 80 degree house, turned off all the ceiling fans, put on my flannel pajamas and slippers, and crawled under 4 blankets on my bed. Definately sick- I was freezing in spite of the 90 degree temperatures.
Fortunately my fever broke around midnight and I am feeling much better today. There is Pi-Yo at the Y tonight so as long as I am still good when I get off of work, I will be there. Then home, probably to bed early again just to be safe.
Lowe’s: $2.50 Premium Mulch!
10 hours ago
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